Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sometimes it's a little better to travel than arrive...

These words pretty much define this kind of trip, and it was in this light that we saw Ben and Ken off this morning amidst softly falling snowflakes and near freezing temperatures.  Like the beginning of all great adventures, anxiousness, excitement, and what I am sure was a bit of apprehension at the undefined road to come, swirled around the house and garage as the riders prepped to leave.  After bundling up and discovering a not so functioning oil valve gasket on Ken's bike (which resulted in a stop to the BMW dealership), the guys took off to start the journey down south. 

I have, of course, gotten ahead of myself, as before this gray morning's departure, the night before had been a send-off celebration filled with good food, close friends, cake and beer.  A good turn up of people stopped by to give their warm wishes and see the guys before they left.  As we all know, there is nothing better than drinking some good beer and eating fabulous cake (yes they do go together) before embarking on an epic trip.

Check out the pics below of last night's festivities and this morning's send off, as we wish our riders the best, in what will be a memorable journey.

 Lisa had a specialty cake made by the fabulous Kim & Jake's Cakes, who not only used our logos, but also incorporated different flavors and spices the guys would taste on their trip!

 Ben getting ready to party!
 You can barely see it, but the House of Motorrad's logo is hanging from the balloons.
 Everyone signed the posters with their good luck wishes.
 We made some homemade ceviche, which was really for all of us staying behind, because the guys will get to enjoy that deliciousness for the next four months. 
 Fabrizio and Brian checking out the bikes.
 Ben staring intently at the cake, as he not so patiently waits to be able to eat it.

 A look at one fully packed pannier.
 Ben making sure everything is ready to go.
 You always hear about the people doing the great adventures, but not often about the people who make it all happen, as Ben kisses Lisa good-bye, I know he is also reflecting on how incredibly lucky he is to have her as his wife. 
 Ben ready to go.
  The last shot in Boulder until March!


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